You have searched for 'nen en 13445' and there are 99 results found.

  • Subscriptions

    Choose smart standards managementIt is an ongoing process for a company to keep up with the changes in your market. By applying standards, you can prove that your product or service meets the agreements regarding quality, …

  • Release note February 2018

    To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier, a number of improvements have been implemented in NEN Connect this month. Real time updateInstead of weekly NEN Connect will perform an update every two hours.ReportsTo gain a good insight into the use …

  • Standard

    Free of maintenanceTogether with experts we have put together packages with just the right NEN-standards you need. From electrotechnology, to ICT to fire protection, we have compiled more than 74 packages over various …

  • EGIZ

    NEN Connect illustrates the correlation between various EGIZ standards in a diagram. This provides you with insight into which standards are necessary for each topic. Easily navigate from topic to standard to related documents and …

  • Release note august 2018

    To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier several buxfixes and a number of improvements have been implemented in NEN Connect. Directly read the definition of a term in HTMLIn the HTMl version of a standard the terms from the chapter “Terms and …

  • Release note August 2018

    To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier several buxfixes and a number of improvements have been implemented in NEN Connect. Directly read the definition of a term in HTMLIn the HTMl version of a standard the terms from the chapter “Terms and …

  • Release note May 2018

    To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier several buxfixes and a number of improvements have been implemented in NEN Connect. New functionality in “Recently changed”We have added a couple of new options that are visible to all Users (incl. …

  • Request a standard

    If your organization has a custom collection, users within your company can request access to standards from the company administrator via NEN Connect. Go to Open requests Accept requests …

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Why NEN Connect?

NEN Connect is NEN's online program to use and manage standards. With NEN Connect you and your colleagues will always have access to your collections of standards.

  • Always all the standards you need in one place.

  • Very easy to use and widely accessible

  • Easy to manage

With a custom collection you will always have the right standards at your disposal.

Choose from our full range of standards.

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