The correlation between the EGIZ standards
NEN Connect illustrates the correlation between various EGIZ standards in a diagram. This provides you with insight into which standards are necessary for each topic. Easily navigate from topic to standard to related documents and back again.
Where is it?
When a standard is part of EGIZ, the diagram can be found on the standard version detail page, under the 'Description' tab. On the right side, you will find the link to the diagram.
How does it work?
- Click on a segment for more information.
- Click again on the segment to zoom in on this topic.
- Double-click in the center to zoom out again.
The different colors indicate the content of the field:

Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Act (Wegiz)
Since July 1, 2023, the Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Act (Wegiz) has been in effect. This law mandates that designated data exchanges between healthcare providers must occur electronically.