You have searched for 'nen en 13445' and there are 99 results found.

  • Managing licences

    As an administrator, you can view and change your company's licenses.Under "My company > Licenses" you can see which licenses you have within NEN Connect. Clicking on the name of a license will take you to the license details.What you can do in NEN Connect …

  • Legislation and Regulations

    See which standards are referred to in National and European (Beta) legislationIn combination with your subscription to NEN Connect, you can use the Legislation and Regulations module to see which standards are referred …

  • Tour

    One solutionfor all your standards Ideal for use The handy …

  • Company documents

    One system for all your documentsNEN Connect offers the possibility to manage your company documents. You can be assured that you and your colleagues always have access to these documents. In addition, you can create a link …

  • Demonstration

    At your location or online Are you wondering if NEN Connect is of interest for your organization? Or do you want all your employees to work smarter with NEN Connect? Request a demonstration, free of obligation, and …

  • Release note February 2017

    There is a new improvement made to NEN Connect: View standards in HTMLIt is now possible to view HTML versions of standards in your NEN Connect collection. The HTML version currently applies only to the Dutch (NEN) standards. Security adjustmentNEN is …

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Why NEN Connect?

NEN Connect is NEN's online program to use and manage standards. With NEN Connect you and your colleagues will always have access to your collections of standards.

  • Always all the standards you need in one place.

  • Very easy to use and widely accessible

  • Easy to manage

With a custom collection you will always have the right standards at your disposal.

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