Harmonized European standards
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What is a harmonized European standard?
A harmonized European standard is a European standard developed by a recognized European Standards Organization, and is created following a request from the European Commission for the implementation of the application of European Union harmonization legislation.
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- NEN-EN 1:1998 en
Flued oil stoves with vaporizing burners - NEN-EN 30-1-1:2022 en
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-1: Safety - General - NEN-EN 30-1-2:2023 en
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-2: Safety - Appliances having forced-convection ovens - NEN-EN 40-4:2005 en
Lighting columns - Part 4: Requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete lighting columns - NEN-EN 54-25:2008 en
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 25: Components using radio links - NEN-EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 en
Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties - NEN-EN 71-2:2020 en
Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability - NEN-EN 71-3:2019+A1:2021 en
Safety of toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements - NEN-EN 71-4:2013 en
Safety of toys - Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities - NEN-EN 71-4:2020 en
Safety of toys - Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities - NEN-EN 71-5:2015 en
Safety of toys - Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets - NEN-EN 71-7:2014+A3:2020 en
Safety of toys - Part 7: Finger paints - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 71-8:2018 en
Safety of toys - Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use - NEN-EN 71-12:2013 en
Safety of toys - Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances - NEN-EN 71-13:2021+A1:2022 en
Safety of toys - Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games - NEN-EN 71-14:2019 en
Safety of toys - Part 14: Trampolines for domestic use - NEN-EN 179:2008 en
Building hardware - Emergency exit devices operated by a lever handle or push pad, for use on escape routes - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 280-1:2022 en
Mobile elevating work platforms - Part 1: Design calculations - Stability criteria - Construction - Safety - Examinations and tests - NEN-EN 285:2016+A1:2021 en
Sterilization - Steam sterilizers - Large sterilizers - NEN-EN 303-5:2021+A1:2022 en
Heating boilers - Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW - Terminology, requirements, testing and marking - NEN-EN 349:1994+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body - NEN-EN 378-2:2016 en
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation - NEN-EN 415-4:1998 en
Safety of packaging machines - Part 4: Palletisers and depalletisers - NEN-EN 415-10:2014 en
Safety of packaging machines - Part 10: General Requirements - NEN-EN 455-3:2023 en
Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation - NEN-EN 474-1:2022 en
Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements - NEN-EN 474-5:2006+A2:2012 en
Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators - NEN-EN 492:2012+A2:2018 en
Fibre-cement slates and fittings - Product specification and test methods - NEN-EN 528:2021+A1:2022 en
Rail dependent storage and retrieval equipment - Safety requirements for S/R machines - NEN-EN 547-1:1997+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human body measurements - Part 1: Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for whole body access into machinery - NEN-EN 547-2:1997+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human body measurements - Part 2: Principles for determining the dimensions required for access openings - NEN-EN 614-2:2000+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Ergonomic design principles - Part 2: Interactions between the design of machinery and work tasks - NEN-EN 617:2001+A1:2010 en
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for the equipment for the storage of bulk materials in silos, bunkers, bins and hoppers - NEN-EN 618:2002+A1:2010 en
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of bulk materials except fixed belt conveyors - NEN-EN 619:2002+A1:2010 en
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads - NEN-EN 619:2022 en
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads - NEN-EN 620:2021 en
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety requirements for fixed belt conveyors for bulk materials - NEN-EN 626-1:1995+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery - Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers - NEN-EN 771-1:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 1: Clay masonry units - NEN-EN 771-2:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 2: Calcium silicate masonry units - NEN-EN 771-3:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry units (Dense and lightweight aggregates) - NEN-EN 771-4:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 4: Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units - NEN-EN 771-5:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 5: Manufactured stone masonry units - NEN-EN 771-6:2011+A1:2015 en
Specification for masonry units - Part 6: Natural stone masonry units - NEN-EN 795:2012 en
Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - NEN-EN 894-1:1997+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 1: General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators - NEN-EN 894-2:1997+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 2: Displays - NEN-EN 894-3:2000+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control actuators - NEN-EN 894-4:2010 en
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 4: Location and arrangement of displays and control actuators - NEN-EN 913:2018+A1:2021 en
Gymnastic equipment - General safety requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 1005-1:2001+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 1: Terms and definitions - NEN-EN 1005-2:2003+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 2: Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery - NEN-EN 1005-3:2002+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 3: Recommended force limits for machinery operation - NEN-EN 1005-4:2005+A1:2008 en
Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 4: Evaluation of working postures and movements in relation to machinery - NEN-EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 en
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components - NEN-EN 1125:2008 en
Building hardware - Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar, for use on escape routes - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 1127-1:2019 en
Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology - NEN-EN 1304:2005 en
Clay roofing tiles and fittings - Product definitions and specifications - NEN-EN 1337-3:2005 en
Structural bearings - Part 3: Elastomeric bearings - NEN-EN 1398:2009 en
Dock levellers - Safety requirements - NEN-EN 1492-2:2000+A1:2008 en
Textile slings - Safety - Part 2: Roundslings made of man-made fibres for general purpose use - NEN-EN 1492-4:2004+A1:2008 en
Textile slings - Safety - Part 4: Lifting slings for general service made from natural and man-made fibre ropes - NEN-EN 1504-2:2004 en
Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 2: Surface protection systems for concrete - NEN-EN 1504-3:2005 en
Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 3: Structural and non-structural repair - NEN-EN 1756-2:2004+A1:2009 en
Tail lifts - Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles - Safety requirements - Part 2: Tail lifts for passengers - NEN-EN 1789:2020 en
Medical vehicles and their equipment - Road ambulances - NEN-EN 1810:1998 en
Body-piercing post assemblies - Reference test method for determination of nickel content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - NEN-EN 1811:2023 en
Reference test method for release of nickel from all post assemblies which are inserted into pierced parts of the human body and articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin - NEN-EN 1837:2020 en
Safety of machinery - Integral lighting of machines - NEN-EN 1891:1998 en
Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a height - Low stretch kernmantel ropes - NEN-EN 10216-5:2021 en
Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 5: Stainless steel tubes - NEN-EN 10222-5:2017 en
Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 5: Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels - NEN-EN 10253-2:2021 en
Butt-welding pipe fittings - Part 2: Non alloy and ferritic alloy steels with specific inspection requirements - NEN-EN 10272:2016 en
Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes - NEN-EN 12077-2:1998+A1:2008 en
Cranes safety - Requirements for health and safety - Part 2: Limiting and indicating devices - NEN-EN 12101-2:2003 en
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 2: Specification for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators - NEN-EN 12101-3:2015 en
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators (Fans) - NEN-EN 12101-7:2011 en
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 7: Smoke duct sections - NEN-EN 12101-8:2011 en
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 8: Smoke control dampers - NEN-EN 12101-10:2005 en
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 10: Power supplies - NEN-EN 12380:2003 en
Air admittance valves for drainage systems - Requirements, tests methods and evaluation of conformity - NEN-EN 12385-1:2002+A1:2008 en
Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: General requirements - NEN-EN 12453:2017+A1:2021 en
Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety in use of power operated doors - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 12467:2012+A2:2018 en
Fibre-cement flat sheets - Product specification and test methods - NEN-EN 12472:2006+A1:2009 en
Method for the simulation of wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items - NEN-EN 12472:2020 en
Method for the simulation of accelerated wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items - NEN-EN 12547:2014 en
Centrifuges - Common safety requirements - NEN-EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 en
Aggregates for concrete - NEN-EN 12644-1:2001+A1:2008 en
Cranes - Information for use and testing - Part 1: Instructions - NEN-EN 12644-2:2000+A1:2008 en
Cranes - Information for use and testing - Part 2: Marking - NEN-EN 12841:2006 en
Personel fall protection equipment - Rope access systems - Rope adjustment devices - NEN-EN 12841:2024 en
Personal fall protection equipment - Rope access systems - Rope adjustment devices - NEN-EN 12941:2024 en
Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a loose fitting respiratory interface - Requirements, testing, marking - NEN-EN 12953-9:2007 en
Shell boilers - Part 9: Requirements for limiting devices the boiler and accessories - NEN-EN 12978:2003+A1:2009 en
Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety devices for power operated doors and gates - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 12999:2020 en
Cranes - Loader cranes - NEN-EN 13000:2010+A1:2014 en
Cranes - Mobile cranes - NEN-EN 13001-1:2015 en
Cranes - General design - Part 1: General principles and requirements - NEN-EN 13001-3-1:2012+A2:2018 en
Cranes - General Design - Part 3-1: Limit States and proof competence of steel structure - NEN-EN 13035-9:2006+A1:2010 en
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 9: Washing installations - NEN-EN 13035-11:2006+A1:2010 en
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 11: Drilling machines - NEN-EN 13043:2003 en
Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas - NEN-EN 13135:2013+A1:2018 en
Cranes - Safety - Design - Requirements for equipment - NEN-EN 13155:2003 en
Cranes - Safety - Non-fixed load lifting attachments - NEN-EN 13155:2003+A2:2009 en
Cranes - Safety - Non-fixed load lifting attachments - NEN-EN 13157:2004+A1:2009 en
Cranes - Safety - Hand powered cranes - NEN-EN 13242:2003+A1:2008 en
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction - NEN-EN 13383-1:2002 en
Armourstone - Part 1: Specification - NEN-EN 13407:2006 en
Wall-hung urinals - Functional requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 13445-1:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 1: General (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13445-2:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13445-3:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13445-4:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 4: Fabrication (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13445-5:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and testing (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13445-8:2021 (Issue 1:2021) en
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 8: Additional requirements for pressure vessels of aluminium and aluminium alloys (Issue 1:2021) - NEN-EN 13450:2003 en
Aggregates for railway ballast - NEN-EN 13480-1:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 1: General (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13480-2:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13480-3:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13480-4:2012 en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and installation - NEN-EN 13480-5:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13480-6:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13480-8:2017 (Issue 1:2017) en
Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping (Issue 1) - NEN-EN 13557:2024 en
Cranes - Control devices and control stations - NEN-EN 13586:2020 en
Cranes - Access - NEN-EN 13658-2:2005 en
Metal lath and beads - Definitions, requirements and test methods - Part 2: External rendering - NEN-EN 13693:2004+A1:2009 en
Precast concrete products - Special roof elements - NEN-EN 13830:2003 en
Curtain walling - Product standard - NEN-EN 13852-1:2013 en
Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 1: General-purpose offshore cranes - NEN-EN 13852-3:2021 en
Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 3: Light offshore cranes - NEN-EN 13857-1:2003 en
Explosives for civil uses - Part 1: Terminology - NEN-EN 13859-1:2005+A1:2008 en
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics of underlays - Part 1: Underlays for discontinuous roofing - NEN-EN 13964:2014 en
Suspended ceilings - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 13967:2012 en
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber damp proof sheets including plastic and rubber basement tanking sheet - Definitions and characteristics - NEN-EN 13970:2004 en
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen water vapour control layers - Definitions and characteristics - NEN-EN 13984:2013 en
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber vapour control layers - Definitions and characteristics - NEN-EN 14064-1:2010 en
Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ formed loose-fill mineral wool (MW) products - Part 1: Specification for the loose-fill products before installation - NEN-EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016 en
Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external pedestrian doorsets - NEN-EN 14363:2016+A1:2019 en
Railway applications - Testing and Simulation for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles - Running Behaviour and stationary tests - NEN-EN 14363:2016+A1:2019+A2:2022 en
Railway applications - Testing and Simulation for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles - Running Behaviour and stationary tests - NEN-EN 14492-2:2006+A1:2009 en
Cranes - Power driven winches and hoists - Part 2: Power driven hoists - NEN-EN 14509:2013 en
Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels - Factory made products - Specifications - NEN-EN 14511-2:2013 en
Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling - Part 2: Test conditions - NEN-EN 14511-3:2013 en
Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling - Part 3: Test methods - NEN-EN 14957:2006+A1:2010 en
Food processing machinery - Dishwashing machines with conveyor - Safety and hygiene requirements - NEN-EN 15011:2020 en
Cranes - Bridge and gantry cranes - NEN-EN 15056:2006+A1:2009 en
Cranes - Requirements for container handling spreaders - NEN-EN 15163-1:2022 en
Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone - Safety - Part 1: Requirements for stationary diamond wire saws - NEN-EN 15164:2008 en
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone - Safety - Requirements for chain- and belt-slotting machines - NEN-EN 15967:2022 en
Determination of maximum explosion pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise of gases and vapours - NEN-EN 16005:2023+A1:2024 en
Power operated pedestrian doorsets - Safety in use - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 16034:2014 en
Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage doors and openable windows - Product standard, performance characteristics - Fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics - NEN-EN 16128:2015 en
Ophthalmic optics - Reference method for the testing of spectacle frames and sunglasses for nickel release - NEN-EN 16153:2013+A1:2015 en
Light transmitting flat multiwall polycarbonate (PC) sheets for internal and external use in roofs, walls and ceilings - Requirements and test methods - NEN-EN 16510-2-1:2023 en
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Part 2-1: Roomheaters - NEN-EN 16931-1:2017 en
Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice - NVN-CEN/TS 16931-2:2017 en
Electronic invoicing - Part 2: List of syntaxes that comply with EN 16931-1 - NEN-EN 17624:2022 en
Determination of explosion limits of gases and vapours at elevated pressures, elevated temperatures or with oxidizers other than air - NEN-EN 45501:2015 en
Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments - NEN-EN 50121-5:2017 en
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 5: Emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus - NEN-EN 50122-1:2011 en
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective provisions against electric shock - NEN-EN 50155:2021 en
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Electronic equipment