Legislation & Regulations module
See which standards are referred to in National and European (Beta) legislation
You can use the Legislation and Regulations module to see which standards are referred to in various decrees and regulations. You can see whether these are dated or not and also navigate to the relevant regulation or decision. This makes it easier for you to determine the context with regard to the application of the standard.
- Dutch legislation as of January 2020
- European legislation as of January 2022

Dutch legislation
In cooperation with KOOP, NEN has established a link between lido.nl / wetten.overheid.nl, and NEN Connect.
This link is available through the new module. Standards (from the Core assortment) referred to in legislation and regulations will receive a notification of this on the standards detail page in NEN Connect, but also vice versa legislation and regulations will receive a reference to the standards on NEN Connect.
- If a reference is made undated, the link is made to the most current version of the standard.
- If a reference is dated, a link is made to this specific version of the standard.
In this way, users are better informed about the status of a standard, even if it has been withdrawn. After all, standards with the status "withdrawn" may still be appropriate in legislation.
European Legislation
The Laws and Regulations module also shows whether a standard is referred to in EU Legislation. A distinction is made here between harmonized standards and non-harmonized standards. Harmonized standards are developed at the request of the European Commission. Manufacturers and other bodies can use harmonized standards to demonstrate that products, services or processes comply with relevant EU legislation. There are around 35 topics in EU legislation where specific standards are referenced. These can be found on the website of the European Commission.
NEN Connect clearly indicates whether an EU reference is a harmonized or non-harmonized standard. The information on the status of a standard, as listed on the European Commission website, is available in NEN Connect with each standards document. This information is kept up to date based on publications in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It may be that a standards document has been withdrawn by the issuing body (CEN/CENELEC/ETSI), but that the EU still designates the standard to demonstrate that products or processes comply with relevant EU legislation.

Which standards are referenced?
With the help of the hammer-icon in the search results and standard overview page you can easily identify which standards from the Core assortment are referenced in the law and regulations.
LiDO - Linkeddata.overheid.nl
The LiDO pages show the correlation between government information and laws and regulations. This makes it possible to find government information more quickly and to gain quick insight into the connections between national and European regulations, decisions made by Dutch and European courts, parliamentary documents and official announcements.
EUR-Lex is dé website voor EU-recht. Het is de officiële en meest complete verzameling juridische documenten van de EU. EUR-Lex is beschikbaar in alle 24 officiële talen van de EU en wordt dagelijks bijgewerkt. EUR-Lex wordt beheerd door het Publicatiebureau van de Europese Unie.