In one glance see what the standard requirements are for your organization

The Requirements module

We strive to make NEN Connect as optimal as possible, so that you can work even smarter with the content. New is the Requirements module, the result of several years of research and development in close collaboration with customers and the NEN Innovation Lab.

This first version of the Requirements module analyzes standards and gives a proposal, per line, what a requirement, a recommendation, a permission or a possibility is. In addition, you can also manually adjust this to what applies to your organization. E.g. a recommendation in the standard is a requirement for your organization.

The module:

  • Analyses a standards and give a proposal what the requirements are and in which category.
  • Give the option to add, remove or change requirements to the wishes of your own organization.
  • Export the standard requirements, including standard number, the status of the standard and where it is stated in the orginal standard.
  • Compile your own personal custom standards with different requirements from different standards.

Color coding per category

The different types of requirements in the standard are clearly highlighted based on their category. 

  • Requirement  =  red
  • Recommendation  =  yellow
  • Permission  =  blue
  • Possibility  =  green
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Future developments

This first version of the module is certainly not complete yet, but it can already do a lot. In the future this will only get better and more. Consider further developing your own, custom standards. But your feedback will also determine which other options / functionalities the module can contain.

AI & Machine learning
Thanks to AI & machine learning the Requirements module learn more and more on the basis of your feedback and thus give better proposals for the standard requirements.