Release notes April 2021

To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier we have rolled out a new release. Apart from several bugfixes, we have implemented several improvements in NEN Connect.

Do you have questions, comments or suggestion? Please let us know.


The highlights: 

+ Make specific company administrators responsible for a license

One can add an unlimited number of company administrators per company account. But when a request is made, it is sent to all administrators. You can now choose to assign one or more specific company administrators to a license. If an request is made for this specific license, the email notification with the request will only go to these people.  

  • Go to "My company > Licenses > Click on the license > License details"
  • Scroll down to "Responsible company administrator"
  • Select one or more company administrators

When you have made two or more company administrator responsible you can set it up so that your users can choose one of the company administrators to the send the request to.

+ Actual standards now show which standards they have replaced

How can we improve NEN Connect even further?

We would love to hear from you how we can further develop NEN Connect.

With kind regards,
The NEN Connect team