Giving access to your licenses

As a copmany admin you decide how your colleagues will get access to the company standards. You have several options at your disposal.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the settings.

Via "My company > Licenses" you change the access rights to each license seperately.

  1. Click on the license you wish to adjust
  2. Select your option
  3. Click on "Save"

The options:

  • Users with the correct domain get immediate automatic access to this license (company-wide) 
    As a company admin you can turn this option on or off. If turned on all users connected to your account (new and existing) will automatically receive access to this license. 

  • Users with the correct domain can request access to this license
    If this option is selected users will need to request access via the company admin. 

  • If both options are turned off users cannot see or request access to the license. The company admin (manually) selects who has access to the license. This can be done at the botom of this page or via the profile page of the user.