NEN 8038:2023 nl

Current document
25 Pages
Publication date 2023-06-01
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Xperience Level Agreement (XLA) - Minimum requirements for the implementation method and use of the XLA method
When working according to XLA (Xperience Level Agreement) the user experience in IT projects is key. XLA is all about finding the bigger goal and anchoring that goal in the internal and external organization. It is based on how people see and experience this. The term XLA is becoming increasingly well-known in the market, but there is no clear definition and both frameworks and preconditions are missing. With tenders, developers are asked to comply with XLA, but without specific conditions and requirements it is not clear what is asked. This standard has been developed to guarantee the quality of the XLA method. It provides transparency about the XLA method and provides insight into the preconditions that the XLA method must meet.

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ICS code
33.160.01 Audio, Video And Audiovisual Systems In General
Broad-band networks - Communication networks - Computer networks - Information technology - Interfaces - Telecommunication - Telephone networks

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