NEN-EN 12541:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
36 Pages
Publication date 2024-07-01
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Sanitary tapware - Pressure flushing valves and automatic closing urinal valves PN 10
NEN-EN 12541 applies to flushing valves for WCs and valves for urinals, with automatic hydraulic closure, intended for: -WC pans EN 997; -single flush urinals EN 13407; -siphon acting urinals EN 13407. It does not apply to no-contact detection valves. It is intended to specify: -marking and identification, physico-chemical, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure behaviour, hydraulic, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics of flushing valves for WCs and urinals with automatic closure; -test methods used to verify these characteristics; -and to determine requirements for the atmospheric interrupter which shall be an integral part of the WC flushing valve.

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Development programme

Will replace
NEN-EN 12541:2003 en
Current standard
This document
NEN-EN 12541:2024 Ontw. en
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 164
ICS code
91.140.70 Sanitary Installations
Related to
prEN 12541:2024, IDT
Buildings - Sanitary appliances - Draw-off taps - WC compartments - Urinals - Flushing cisterns - Bib taps

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