NEN-EN 18087:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
52 Pages
Publication date 2024-07-01
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Devices for in situ generation of biocides - Chlorine dioxide generated from sodium chlorite by acidification or oxidation
This document contains requirements for dosing systems for chlorine dioxide generation according to the chlorite-chlorine gas process, the chlorite-acid process and the chlorite-sodium peroxodisulphate process, which are used for the disinfection and oxidation of substances in water. The chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution is produced on site (in situ) by automated mixing of chemical precursors. This document applies to the treatment of water for human consumption, rinsing water for filters for swimming and bathing pools as well as for other uses (e.g. cooling water, process water, etc.

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This document
NEN-EN 18087:2024 Ontw. en
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 164
ICS code
13.060.20 Drinking Water
Related to
prEN 18087:2024, IDT
Water - Water quality - Potable water - Chlorine dioxide - Sodium Chlorite - Acidification - Oxidation methods - Water pipes

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