NEN-EN 13616-1:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
23 Pages
Publication date 2024-06-01
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Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid fuels - Part 1: Overfill prevention devices with closure device
This document contains requirements, test and assessment methods, marking, labelling and packaging applicable to overfill prevention devices with closure device. The devices are usually composed by: - sensor; - evaluation device; - closure device.
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Development programme

Will replace
NEN-EN 13616-1:2016 en
Current standard
This document
NEN-EN 13616-1:2024 Ontw. en
Draft standard
Comment form NEN-EN 13616-1:2024 Ontw. en
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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 393
ICS code
23.020.10 Stationary Containers And Tanks
Related to
prEN 13616-1:2024, IDT
Energy storage - Liquids - Fluid engineering - Tanks (containers) - Reservoirs - Fuels - Liquid fuels - Safety devices - ATEX-

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