ISO/DIS 21043-4:2024 en

Draft standard
15 Pages
Publication date 2024-05-04
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Forensic Sciences - Part 4: Interpretation
This document specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the interpretation of observationsin order to reach opinions that answer questions that are relevant for decision making in investigationsor legal proceedings. This document states requirements that are applicable to all forensic disciplines.This document states requirements that apply when the opinion is based directly on human judgment andwhen the opinion is based on interpretation through a statistical model. This document is applicable tointerpretation that occurs at a scene, within a forensic facility or within a judicial setting. Interpretation is not necessary, and the requirements of this standard do not apply, if the observations resulting from the analysis directly answer the relevant question.
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ISO/DIS 21043-4:2024 en
Draft standard
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Registration date
ISO/TC 272
ICS code
07.140 Forensic Science
Forensic science - Physical sciences

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