NEN 6263:2024 Ontw. nl

Draft standard
15 Pages
Publication date 2024-05-01
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Water - Detection and enumeration of Aeromonas
This standard gives a method for the detection and quantification of Aeromonas in water.
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Development programme

Will replace
NEN 6263:2009 nl
Current standard
This document
NEN 6263:2024 Ontw. nl
Draft standard
This draft standard may be open for comments. Submit comment? Visit (in Dutch).
Extra information
Registration date
ICS code
07.100.20 Microbiology Of Water * 13.060.70 Examination Of Biological Properties Of Water
Sewage - Bacteria - Testing - Springs (water) - Potable water - Ground water - Colony counters - Membrane filters - Microbiology - Microbiological analysis - Surface water - Water - Water testing - Seawater - Bacteriological analysis - Water pipes

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