NEN-EN 18070:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
13 Pages
Publication date 2024-04-01
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Performance of wood adhesives at high temperatures and fire. Test methods, evaluation and classification.
This document specifies a test method for comparing the compression shear strength of adhesive bonds and solid wood at 180 °C and a second elevated temperature. The maximum load of the test pieces after exposure to 180 °C and a specific elevated temperature for a specified duration of time is evaluated. It is applicable to adhesives used in load bearing timber structures and to other wood adhesives. This method is intended primarily to obtain data for the performance of wood adhesives at high temperatures. The result of this method (temperature class) can be used to classify the adhesive with respect to its performance in fire.
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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 193
ICS code
83.180 Adhesives * 79.040 Wood, Sawlogs And Sawn Timber
Related to
prEN 18070:2024, IDT
Wood technology - Wood - Adhesives - Performance - High-temperature testing - Fire-test classifications - Classification of structural elements

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