NEN-EN 1990-2:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
34 Pages
Publication date 2024-03-01
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Eurocode - Basis of structural and geotechnical design - Part 2: Assessment of existing structures
This document provides additional provisions to EN 1990-1 to cover the assessment of existing structures, including geotechnical structures, and the general principles for interventions. Unless otherwise specified, EN 1990-1 applies. This document covers general principles regarding actions for assessment, complementing EN 1991 (all parts). This document does not cover the design of new structural parts that will be integrated into an existing structure. This document does not provide: - specific rules for initiation of assessment; - specific rules on how to undertake interventions that may be carried out as a result of an assessment; - material-specific technical provisions for existing structures; - provisions for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures.
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Development programme

Will replace
CEN/TS 17440:2020 en
Current standard
This document
NEN-EN 1990-2:2024 Ontw. en
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 250
ICS code
91.010.30 Technical Aspects
Related to
prEN 1990-2:2024, IDT
Architectural design - Technical regulations - Construction - Structures - Concrete structures - Construction worksRiveted structures - Welded structures

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