NEN-EN 1993-1-11:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
84 Pages
Publication date 2024-03-01
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Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-11: Tension components
EN 1993-1-11 provides rules for structural design of tension components made of steel, in addition to other parts of EN 1993, for use in structures made of steel or other materials such as concrete, steel-concrete composite and timber. EN 1993-1-11 covers the resistance, serviceability and durability of steel tension elements. The following items/aspects are outside the scope of EN 1993-1-11: - pre- or post-tensioned systems in accordance with EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-2; - reinforcing steel as part of a concrete structure in accordance with EN 1992-1-1; - tension components in piling; - detailed design of terminations.
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Registration date
CEN/TC 250
ICS code
91.010.30 Technical Aspects * 93.040 Bridge Construction * 91.080.13 Steel Structures
Related to
prEN 1993-1-11:2024, IDT
Architectural design - Technical regulations - Construction - Structures - Steels - Civil engineering - Bridges - Concrete structures - Construction worksRiveted structures - Welded structures - Rolled steels - Steel constructionSteel frames

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