NEN-EN 2996-004:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
13 Pages
Publication date 2024-02-01
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Aerospace series - Circuit breakers, three-pole, temperature compensated, rated current 1 A to 25 A - Part 004: With signal contact - Product standard
This document specifies the characteristics of three-pole circuit breakers, temperature compensated with a rated current from 1 A to 25 A, used in aircraft on-board circuits at a temperature between -55 °C and 125 °C for ratings ≤ 15 A and -55 °C to 90 °C for ratings > 15 A and at an altitude of 22000 m max. These circuit breakers are operated by a push-pull type single pushbutton (actuator), with delayed action “trip-free” tripping with a signal contact which is open when main contacts are closed, and inversely. They will continue to function up to the short-circuit current.
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Registration date
ICS code
49.060 Aerospace Electric Equipment And Systems
Related to
prEN 2996-004:2024, IDT
Electrical equipment - Air transport - Electronic engineering - Fuses - Aerospace transport

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