NEN 8005:2022/Ontw. A1:2024 Ontw. nl

Draft standard amendment
6 Pages
Publication date 2024-02-01
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Dutch supplement to NEN-EN 206: Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity
This document amends NEN 8005:2022 resulting from the publication NEN-EN 197-6.
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Registration date
ICS code
91.080.40 Concrete Structures * 91.100.30 Concrete And Concrete Products
Testing - Concretes - Structures - Construction materials - Properties - Acceptance inspection - Conformity - Specifications - Safety - Production - Concrete foundations - Concrete beam and slab floors - Concrete roofs - Concrete lamp posts - Ready-mixed concrete - Concrete structures - Construction worksRiveted structures - Welded structures - Safety systems

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