Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - Part 5: eCall for UNECE category L1 and L3 Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicles
In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines adaptations to eCall specifications defined in EN 16072 and other related documents to enable the provision of eCall for Powered Two Wheel Vehicles.As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.For the purposes of the present document, the P2WV ‘L’ categories, as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC, Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, UNECE and as referenced/specified in EN 15722 apply.This document includes only the requirements for Category L1 and L3 P2WV (vehicle based) with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although other documents can subject other ‘L’ subcategories to use this document. Other Technical Specifications may be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.This document is based on and substitutes CEN/TS 17249-5:2022, following results achieved in sAFE project (sub-activity 3.5) [11] to obtain a specification allowing a more practical implementation of eCall for P2WVs.The specifications herein relate only to the provision of pan-European eCall, and does not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall. Other than in the 112-eCall paradigm, which involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP, third party service provision involves the support of an intermediary third-party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.
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