NEN-EN 16732:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
45 Pages
Publication date 2024-02-01
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Slide fasteners (zips) - Specification
This European Standard specifies performance levels and test methods for the following characteristics of slide fasteners made from interlocking components mounted on tapes: strengths of puller attachment, closed-end, top stop, open-end slide fastener box, reciprocating mechanism, closed slide fastener when extended laterally, open-end attachment when extended laterally, slider locking device, and open-end slide fastener single stringer slider retention and slider resistance to torque. NOTE The tests specified in Annexes B to K have been specifically devised to permit their direct application to finished slide fasteners with a view to giving the user reasonable assurance that a slide fastener conforming to the requirements of this standard can satisfactorily fulfil its intended purpose. Annex L gives information about sampling procedures for bulk quantities of slide fasteners. In addition, performance levels are also specified for colour fastness to washing, dry cleaning and water, and for dimensional stability to washing and dry cleaning. This European Standard is applicable to slide fasteners for general use and is not applicable to slide fasteners for specialist purposes (for example: pressure sealed slide fasteners for diving suits).
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Development programme

Will replace
NEN-EN 16732:2015 en
Current standard
This document
NEN-EN 16732:2024 Ontw. en
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 248
ICS code
61.040 Headgear. Clothing Accessories. Fastening Of Clothing
Related to
prEN 16732:2024, IDT
Clothing - Textile industry - Slide fasteners - Specifications - Strength of materials - Waterproof clothing

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