NEN-EN 12680-1:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
34 Pages
Publication date 2024-01-01
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Founding - Ultrasonic testing - Part 1: Steel castings for general purposes
This document specifies the requirements for the ultrasonic testing of steel castings (with ferritic structure) for general purposes and the methods for determining internal discontinuities by the pulse-echo technique. This document applies to the ultrasonic testing of steel castings which have usually received a grain refining heat treatment and which have wall thicknesses up to and including 600 mm. For greater wall thicknesses, special agreements apply with respect to test procedure and recording levels. This document does not apply to austenitic steels and joint welds.
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Registration date
CEN/TC 190
ICS code
77.140.80 Iron And Steel Castings * 77.040.20 Non-Destructive Testing Of Metals
Related to
prEN 12680-1:2023, IDT
Metallurgy - Testing - Metals - Non-destructive testing - Castings - Foundry engineering - Ultrasonic testing - Steels - Rolled steels - Steel constructionSteel frames

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