NEN-EN 18029:2023 Ontw. en

Draft standard
51 Pages
Publication date 2023-11-01
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Animal health diagnostic analyses - Electronic data exchange in laboratory analysis
This document specifies a common data exchange format (i.e. format of the messages and the dictionary of all the items that compose the message) between the prescribers and the laboratories in the animal health sector.This document is intended for prescribers (purchasers) and service providers in charge of collecting samples and conducting analyses (including analysis laboratories) that want to computerize and standardize their data exchanges, particularly in the animal health sector.This document excludes the code lists that are required for unambiguous data exchange.
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Registration date
CEN/TC 469
ICS code
35.240.99 It Applications In Other Fields * 11.220 Veterinary Medicine
Related to
prEN 18029:2023, IDT
Health services - Veterinary science - Information technology - Diagnostic testing - Analysis - Electronic data interchange

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