NEN-EN 12122:2023 Ontw. en

Draft standard
20 Pages
Publication date 2023-05-01
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Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Ammonia solution
This document is applicable to ammonia solution used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics and specifies the requirements of ammonia solution and refers to the corresponding analytical methods. It gives information for its use in water treatment. It also determines the rules relating to safe handling and use of ammonia solution (see Annex B).
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Registration date
CEN/TC 164
ICS code
71.100.80 Chemicals For Purification Of Water
Related to
prEN 12122:2023, IDT
Water purification - Water - Chemicals - Potable water - Treatment - Ammonia solution - Ammonia - Chemical technology - Chemical industry - Water pipes

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