NEN-spec 1-2:2020-11-09 nl

Withdrawn document
31 Pages
Publication date 2020-11-09
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Community masks - Part 2: Requirements for producers and importers in the context of COVID-19
NEN-spec 1-2 geeft eisen voor fabrikanten voor het in serieproductie maken van mondkapjes en voor importeurs die mondkapjes op de markt willen brengen.

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Registration date
ICS code
61.040 Headgear. Clothing Accessories. Fastening Of Clothing * 59.080 Products Of The Textile Industry
Cotton - Non-medical community masks - Mouthguards - Flexible polyester films - Textiles - Textile industry - Textile products - Non-medical community masks - COVID-19 - Mouth masks - COVID - Corona - Manufacturers

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