NEN-ISO 8601-1:2019 en

Current standard
38 Pages
Publication date 2019-03-01
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This document has been modified by:
Date and time - Representations for information interchange - Part 1: Basic rules
This International Standard is applicable whenever representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar, times in the 24-hour timekeeping system, time intervals and recurring time intervals or of the formats of these representations are included in information interchange. It includes ç calendar dates expressed in terms of calendar year, calendar month and calendar day of the month; ç ordinal dates expressed in terms of calendar year and calendar day of the year; ç week dates expressed in terms of calendar year, calendar week number and calendar day of the week; ç local time based upon the 24-hour timekeeping system; ç Coordinated Universal Time of day; ç local time and the difference from Coordinated Universal Time; ç combination of date and time of day; ç time intervals; ç recurring time intervals. This International Standard does not cover dates and times where words are used in the representation and dates and times where characters are not used in the representation. This International Standard does not assign any particular meaning or interpretation to any data element that uses representations in accordance with this International Standard. Such meaning will be determined by the context of the application.

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Registration date
ISO/TC 154
ICS code
01.140.30 Documents In Administration, Commerce And Industry
Related to
ISO 8601-1:2019 en, IDT
Dates (calendar) - Documents - Data processing - Data representation - Information exchange - Calendars - Time - Time measurement

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