NEN 1078:2018 nl

Withdrawn standard
22 Pages
Publication date 2018-01-01
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This document is withdrawn and replaced by:
Supply for gas with an operating pressure up to and including 500 mbar - Performance requirements - New estate.
NEN 1078 gives determination methods and requirements for gas with a maximum operating pressure of not exceeding 100 mbar. The purpose of this standard is to be used for gas supply for odorised gases according to NEN-EN 437.

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Extra information
Registration date
ICS code
91.140.40 Gas Supply Systems
Natural gas - Testing - Pipes - Central heating - Gas-fired heaters - Gas pipes - Gas circuits - Gas pipelines - Gas-powered devices - Gas supply - Buildings - Pipe laying - Pipelines - Smoke gases - Flues - Safety - Safety specifications - Ventilation - Heaters - Gas furnaces - Gas cookers - Gas lighting - Safety systems

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