NEN-EN 12221-1:2008+A1:2013 en

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14 Pages
Publication date 2013-08-01
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Child use and care articles - Changing units for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements
This part of EN 12221 specifies safety requirements for changing units for domestic use for children with a body weight no more than 15 kg. EN 12221 only covers the function of the item as a changing unit. If the changing unit can be converted or used as another function it shall comply with other relevant standards, e.g. cots, storage furniture, etc. The changing unit may be foldable and can be fitted with a child bathtub or other additional items. Changing pads are only covered by this standard when they form a part of the changing unit.

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Registration date
Date of withdrawal
CEN/TC 252
ICS code
97.190 Equipment For Children
Related to
EN 12221-1:2008+A1:2013, IDT
Changing units - Definitions - Children - Terminology - Safety - Infants - Safety systems

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