NEN 1413:2011 nl

Current standard
1 Pages
Publication date 2011-12-01
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Symbols for safety provisions on building drawings and in plans
This standard gives symbols for reproduce safety devices for evacuation- en safety floorplans. The standard is applicable for symbols for floorplans which make part of: a) evacuationplans and business emergency plans for use by buildingmanagers of consultancies; b) Assault plans for use by fire brigade.

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Development programme

NEN 1413:2011 Ontw. nl
Withdrawn standard
This document
NEN 1413:2011 nl
Current standard
NEN 1413:2011/A1:2013 nl
Current standard
Will be replaced by
NEN 1414-2:2024 Ontw. nl
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
ICS code
01.080.30 Graphical Symbols For Use On Mechanical Engineering And Construction Drawings, Diagrams, Plans, Maps And In Relevant Technical Product Documentation * 13.220.01 Protection Against Fire In General
Architectural design - Fire - Fire safety - Fire safety in buildings - Firefighting equipment - Graphic symbols - Diagrams - Symbols - Engineering drawings - Drawings - Safety - Safety systems

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