NEN-EN 455-2:2009 en

Withdrawn standard
10 Pages
Publication date 2009-11-01
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This document is withdrawn and replaced by:
Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties
This European Standard specifies requirements and gives test methods for physical properties of singleuse medical gloves (i.e. surgical gloves and examination/procedure gloves) in order to ensure that they provide and maintain in use an adequate level of protection from cross contamination for both patient and user. This standard does not specify the size of a lot. Attention is drawn to the difficulties that can be associated with the distribution and control of very large lots. The recommended maximum individual lot size for production is 500 000.
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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 205
ICS code
11.140 Hospital Equipment
Related to
EN 455-2:2009, IDT
Occupational safety - Testing - Protective gloves - Protective clothing - Health services - Gloves - Clothing - Medical equipment - Medical devices - Personal protective equipment - Specifications - Safety - Disposable - Hospital equipment - Hospitals - Waterproof clothing - Safety systems

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