NEN-EN 14383-1:2006 de;en;fr

Norme actuelle
23 Pages
Date de publication 2006-06-01
Plusieurs langues
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Ce document est remplacé par :
Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 1: Definitions of specific terms
This European Standard is the terminology part of a series for the "Prevention of crime by urban planning and building design". For some specific terms used in the other parts, dealing with urban planning, dwellings, shops and offices, it provides equivalent terms in three languages, as well as definitions.

En savoir plus sur l'aperçu et le champ d'application
Informations complémentaires
Date d'enregistrement
Date de suppression
CEN/TC 325
Code ICS
13.310 Protection Contre Les Crimes * 91.040.20 Bâtiments Pour Le Commerce Et L'industrie
EN 14383-1:2006, IDT
Mots clés
Definitions - Buildings - Crime - Crime prevention devices - Terminology - Safety - Safety systems

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