NEN-EN 13383-1:2021 2e Ontw. en

Draft standard
29 Pages
Publication date 2021-06-01
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Armourstone - Part 1: Characteristics
This document specifies the characteristics of armourstone for uses, either with or without high safety requirements, in hydraulic structures and other civil engineering works.This document specifies procedures for assessment and verification of constancy (AVCP) of performances of characteristics of the armourstone as well as marking and labelling of these products.Armourstone covered in this document are aggregates, obtained by processing natural, manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates.With regard to the material source and production technique, this document covers natural armourstone (see 3.1.2), manufactured armourstone (see 3.1.3) or recycled armourstone (see 3.1.4). Furthermore, manufactured armourstone are manufactured air-cooled blast furnace slags and manufactured steel slags.With regard to the size of the armourstone, this document covers armourstone with the following gradings:(1) coarse grading (see 3.1.8)(2) light grading (see 3.1.9)(3) heavy grading (see 3.1.10)This document does not cover- aggregates for railway ballast, as these are specified in prEN 13450-1:2021,- aggregates for construction works, as these are specified in prEN 17555-1:2021.
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Development programme

Will replace
NEN-EN 13383-1:2002 en
Current standard
NEN-EN 13383-1:2002/C1:2006 en
Current standard
NEN-EN 13383-1:2002 nl
Current standard
This document
NEN-EN 13383-1:2021 2e Ontw. en
Draft standard
Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 154/WG 10
ICS code
91.100.15 Mineral Materials And Products
Related to
prEN 13383-1:2021, IDT
Construction materials - Minerals - Armourstone - Specifications

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