NEN-EN 12882:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
17 Pages
Publication date 2024-10-01
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Conveyor belts for general purpose use - Electrical and flammability safety requirements
This document specifies electrical and flammability safety requirements for general purpose conveyor belts not intended for use in underground installations and a means of categorizing conveyor belts in terms of the level of safety sought in their end use application. This document does not provide electrical safety requirements for volume resistance which may be measured by the methods in EN ISO 21178 and which is relevant to some types of light conveyor belts. This document is not applicable to conveyor belts which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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Registration date
CEN/TC 188
ICS code
53.040.20 Components For Conveyors
Related to
prEN 12882:2024, IDT
Materials handling equipment - 1(cont) - Conveyors - Fire - Fire safety - Safety - Conveyor belts - Components - Burning behaviour - Fire propagation - Flammability testing - Equipment safety - Safety systems - Fire movement

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