NEN-EN 19100-3:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
34 Pages
Publication date 2024-09-01
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Eurocode 10 - Design of glass structures - Part 3: In-plane loaded glass components
This document gives design rules for glass components and assemblies primarily subjected to in-plane loading. It also covers effects of loads acting both in-plane and parallel to the plane produced by the neutral axes of the component, including construction rules for joints connecting in-plane loaded glass components. 1.2 Assumptions (1) The assumptions of EN 1990, prEN 19100-1 and prEN 19100-2 apply. (2) This document is intended to be used in conjunction with, EN 1990, EN 1991 (all parts), EN 1993-1-1, EN 1995-1-1, EN 1998 (all parts), EN 1999-1-1, prEN 19100-1, prEN 19100-2 and EN 12488.

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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 250
ICS code
81.040.20 Glass In Building * 91.080.99 Other Structures
Related to
prEN 19100-3:2024, IDT
Glass - Construction materials - Buildings - Structures - Design - Construction

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