Gas infrastructure - Gas measuring systems - Functional requirements
This document specifies functional requirements for the design, construction, testing, commissioning/decommissioning, operation, maintenance and, where appropriate, calibration, together with suitable documented provisions for all new gas measuring systems and any major changes of existing systems.This document also specifies accuracy classes of measuring systems and thresholds applicable to these classes. Demonstration of compliance is achieved through the selection, installation and operation of appropriate measurement instruments, together with suitable documented provisions for calculations. Examples of demonstration of compliance are provided for each accuracy class; however, they are not prescriptive solutions.This document is applicable for gases of the 2nd family as classified in EN 437. It is also applicable for treated non-conventional combustible gases complying with EN 437 and for which a detailed technical evaluation of the functional requirements (such as injected biomethane) is performed ensuring there are no other constituents or properties of the gases that can affect the metrological and physical integrity of the measuring systems. This version mentions technical topics to consider when hydrogen and natural gas / hydrogen blends flow through the measuring systems.
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