NEN 8992:2024 Ontw. nl

Draft standard
90 Pages
Publication date 2024-08-01
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Geotechnical investigation and testing - Additional provions to international and European  laboratory tests
NEN 8992 describes: - additional provisions to the existing European and international standards for geotechnical laboratory tests for Dutch conditions, which are laid down, among other things, in the protocols for flood defenses; - data generated from the tests in accordance with the BRO format; - derivation of parameters specific to the Dutch soil models and the Dutch consultancy practice. NEN 8992 also provides provisions regarding the treatment of soil samples in the laboratory.
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Registration date
ICS code
93.020 Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation Construction. Underground Works * 13.080.05 Examination Of Soils In General
Testing - Soils - Soil science - Soil surveys - Soil mechanics - Rock - Ground water - Civil engineering

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