NEN-EN 16709:2023 2e Ontw. en

Draft standard
17 Pages
Publication date 2023-05-01
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Automotive fuels - High FAME diesel fuel (B20 and B30) - Requirements and test methods
This document specifies requirements and test methods for marketed and delivered high FAME (B20 and B30) diesel fuel for use in diesel engine vehicles designed or subsequently adapted to run on high FAME (B20 and B30) fuel. High FAME (B20 and B30) diesel fuel is a mixture of up to 20 % (V/V) in total and up to 30 % (V/V) in total respectively fatty acid methyl esters (commonly known as FAME) complying to EN 14214 and automotive diesel fuel complying to EN 590.For maintenance and control reasons high FAME (B20 and B30) diesel fuel is to be used in captive fleets that are intended to have an appropriate fuel management (see Clause 4).
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ICS code
75.160.20 Liquid Fuels
Related to
prEN 16709:2023, IDT
Petroleum - Fuels - Liquid fuels - Petroleum products - Petroleum technology - Regulations - Testing - Diesel fuels - Fatty acid methyl esters

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