NEN-EN 17928-3:2023 Ontw. en

Draft standard
10 Pages
Publication date 2023-05-01
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Gas infrastructure - Injection stations - Part 3: Specific requirements regarding the injection of hydrogen fuel gas
This document establishes specific functional requirements of stations for the injection of hydrogen fuel gas into transmission and distribution systems for fuel gases (natural gas, biomethane, SNG, hydrogen fuel gas, fuel gas mixtures, etc.; see Figure 1) in accordance with European technical rules that ensure the interoperability of systems in addition to the general functional requirements of prEN 17928-1. This document complements prEN 17928-1 by specifying the technical safety requirements to be observed with respect to the chemical and physical properties of hydrogen fuel gas. It furthermore complements the requirements on pipelines specified in EN 12007-3 and EN 1594 by describing the specific requirements with respect to hydrogen. Additionally, it explains how to handle hydrogen measurements during the course of injection.
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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 234
ICS code
75.200 Petroleum Products And Natural Gas Handling Equipment
Related to
prEN 17928-3:2023, IDT
Natural gas - Infrastructure - Hydrogen - Land transport - Pipelines

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