CEN/TS 17188:2018 en

Norme actuelle
11 Pages
Date de publication 2018-06-01
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Ce document est remplacé par :
Materials obtained from end of life tyres (ELT) - Sampling method for granulates and powders stored in big-bags
CEN/TS 17188 specifies a method for obtaining a sample of rubber granulates or powders derived from End-of-life tyres which have been stored in big-bags. Several sample increments at different levels within the big-bag are obtained, which represent the average particle size distribution within the big-bag. From these sample increments, a representative sample is derived.

En savoir plus sur l'aperçu et le champ d'application
Informations complémentaires
Date d'enregistrement
CEN/TC 366
Code ICS
83.160.01 Pneumatiques En Général * 13.030.50 Recyclage
CEN/TS 17188:2018, IDT
Mots clés
Re-usable - Wastes - Tyres - Sampling methods

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