NEN-EN 16466-1:2013 en

Current standard
11 Pages
Publication date 2013-01-01
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This document is replaced by:
Vinegar - Isotopic analysis of acetic acid and water - Part 1: 2H-NMR analysis of acetic acid
This European Standard specifies an isotopic method to control the authenticity of vinegar. This method is applicable on acetic acid of vinegar (from wine, cider, agricultural alcohol, etc.) in order to characterise the botanical origin of acetic acid and to detect adulterations of vinegar using synthetic acetic acid or acetic acid from a non-allowed origin (together with the method described in EN 16466-2). The isotopic analysis of the extracted acetic acid by 2H-NMR is based on a similar method already normalised for wine analysis. This European Standard is not applicable to complex matrices made with vinegar as an ingredient, such as balsamic vinegar.

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ICS code
67.220.10 Spices And Condiments
Related to
EN 16466-1:2013, IDT
Analysis - Vinegar - Acetic acid - Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry - Spices - Food products - Food technology - Water - Food industry - Water pipes

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