NEN-EN 1088:1996 en

Withdrawn standard
38 Pages
Publication date 1996-01-01
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This document is withdrawn and replaced by:
This document has been modified by:
Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection
Specifies principles for the design and selection - independent of the nature of the energy source - of interlocking devices associated with guards (as defined in 3.23.1 "interlocking device (interlock)", 3.22.4 "interlocking guard" and 3.22.5 "interlocking guard witg guard locking" of EN 292-1:1991). It also provides requirements specifically intended for electrical interlocking devices.
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Extra information
Registration date
ICS code
13.110 Safety Of Machinery
Related to
EN 1088:1995, IDT
Occupational safety - Safety devices - Interlocks - Machine tools - Equipment safety - Design - Safety - Safety systems

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