NEN-EN 1088:1996+A2:2008 en

Withdrawn standard
46 Pages
Publication date 2008-07-01
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This document is withdrawn and replaced by:
Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection
This standard specifies principles for the design and selection - independent of the nature of the energy source - of interlocking devices associated with guards (as defined in 3.23.1 "interlocking de vice (interlock)", 3.22.4 "interlocking guard" and 3.22.5 "interlocking guard witg guard locking" of EN 292-1:1991). It also provides requirements specifically intended for electrical in terlocking devices. This standard covers the parts of guards which actuate interlocking devices. Requirements for guards are given in prEN 953. The processing of the signal from the interlocking device to stop and immobilize the machine is dealt with in prEN 954-1.

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Extra information
Registration date
CEN/TC 114
ICS code
13.110 Safety Of Machinery
Related to
EN 1088:1995+A2:2008, IDT
Occupational safety - Safety devices - Interlocks - Machine tools - Equipment safety - Design - Safety - Safety systems

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