Release notes August 2020

To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier we have rolled out a new release. Apart from several buxfixes, we have implemented several improvements in NEN Connect.

Do you have questions, comments or suggestion? Please let us know.

+ Search filter option 'Status' reset

In the previous release, we switched to a clear grouping the different versions of the standard. We had removed the search filter for the status (current, withdrawn and design). At popular request of customers we have reset the filter option to search results for "withdrawn". This will find standards of which all versions have been withdrawn.

NEN Connect_filter_withdrawn_results

+ Sorting search results improved

Looking for subparts of standards sometimes yielded an illogical order of results. With the new release this has been improved and subparts are shown in the correct order.

+ New report

Company admin now have access to a new report. This report allows you to see which standards are being used. Where the rapport "Documents with downloads' shows you which version of a standard has been downloaded, the new rapport will show the download of a grouping of standards. The new rapport is called "Downloads per standards" and can be found via "My company > Reports". Just like to the other reports you can subscribe to receive it automatically per week, month of quarter.

+ Exchanging users per license maximized 

For each license the maximum times a linked user can be removed and replaced for another user is limited to 10% of the maximum number of users allowed. With this, the removal rate is now equal to that for your standards.

  • All licenses will receive this percentage automatically
  • The percentage will be set to 10%. The number of removals will be rounded upwards.
  • The minimum amount of removals is set to 1.
  • The amount of removals will be reset after each year of your contract. But will initally count from launch of the release to contract date