Release notes November 2020 (II)

To make managing and working with NEN Connect easier we have rolled out a new release. Apart from several buxfixes, we have implemented several improvements in NEN Connect.

Do you have questions, comments or suggestion? Please let us know.


The highlights: 

+ Remarks from the organization have been moved

Remarks could previously be placed on the standard detail page. These were copied each time and added to each new version of the standard. Because standards now have an overview page with all versions of it, we have made this process easier for everyone. Remarks can now be viewed and posted on the standard overview page.

While searching and filtering for "Remarks", the remark icon is now displayed next to the title of the standard.

How can we improve NEN Connect even further?

We would love to hear from you how we can further develop NEN Connect.

With kind regards,
The NEN Connect team