NEN-EN 14056-1:2024 Ontw. en

Draft standard
39 Pages
Publication date 2024-10-01
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Laboratory furniture - Recommendations for design and installation - Part 1: General
This document is applicable to biology, chemistry and physics laboratories where research, preparative, analytical, process activities take place and which can involve work with hazardous substances, including higher education (college and university teaching and post-graduate research). This document does not cover the requirements of schools, i.e. pre college/pre-university (refer to EN 13150), or highly specialist laboratories which need very specific, bespoke solutions to enable them to function. This document specifies requirements for installation and design of laboratory benches, associated storage units, and for the provision and connection of services integral or delivered to the laboratory benches. This document gives guidelines for all parties involved in the planning, design, manufacture, installation, testing of a new laboratory or in the refurbishment of an existing laboratory. For safety storage cabinets for flammable liquids EN 14470-1 and for pressurized gas cylinders EN 14470-2 applies.

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Registration date
CEN/TC 332
ICS code
71.040.10 Chemical Laboratories. Laboratory Equipment
Related to
prEN 14056-1:2024, IDT
Chemical technology - Chemistry - Laboratories - Chemical laboratories - Laboratory equipment - Chemical analysis and testing - Furniture - Design - Installation

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