NEN-EN 13016-1:2005 Ontw. en

Withdrawn document
14 Pages
Publication date 2005-12-01
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Liquid petroleum products - Vapour pressure - Part 1: Determination of air saturated vapour pressure (ASVP) and calculated dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE)
This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the total pressure, exerted in vacuo, by volatile, low viscosity petroleum products, components, and feedstocks containing air. A dry vapour pressure equivalent (DVPE) can be calculated from the air containing vapour pressure (ASVP) measurement. The conditions used in the test described in this standard are a vapour-to-liquid ratio of 4:1 and a test temperature of 37,8 °C. For referee testing the requirement to employ 1 l sample containers is mandatory. However, due to sample container size restrictions in taking automatic samples from vapour-locks either onboard a ship or from some land based storage tanks, the precision for 250 ml containers forms part of this standard and shall be used for referee purposes.
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ICS code
75.160.20 Liquid Fuels
Related to
prEN 13016-1:2005, IDT
Petroleum - Petroleum products - Petroleum technology - Gasoline - Testing - Fuels - Vapour pressure - Liquid fuels

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