EN 13001-3-5

Cranes - General design - Part 3-5: Limit states and proof of competence of forged and cast hooks
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Current edition

NEN-EN 13001-3-5:2024 Ontw. en
NEN-EN 13001-3-5:2016+A1:2021 en
NEN-EN 13001-3-5:2016 en
Amendments and corrections (1)
Harmonized version
  • amendment
    NEN-EN 13001-3-5:2016/Ontw. A1:2017 en
NEN-EN 13001-3-5:2013 Ontw. en

Other editions

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EN 13001-3-5:2010

CEN/TS 13001-3-5:2010 en